African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network

Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene



Baker TR, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, Aiba S, Akite P, Alexiades M, Almeida E, de Oliveira EA, Davila EA, Amani C, Andrade A, Aragao L, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets E, Arroyo L, Ashton P, Ifo SAA, Aymard GAC, Baisie M, Balee W, Balinga M, Banin LF, Banki O, Baraloto C, Barroso J, Bastin J, Beeckman H, Begne S, Bengone NN, Berry N, Betian W, Bezard V, Blanc L, Boeckx P, Bonal D, Bongers F, Brearley FQ, Brienen R, Brown F, Nasaradin MB, Burban B, Burslem DFRP, Camargo P, Camargo JL, Castro W, Ceron C, Moscoso VC, Chapman C, Chave J, Chezeaux E, Collins M, Comiskey J, Coomes D, Valverde FC, Costa FRC, Cuni-Sanchez A, da Costa L, Daly DC, Dančák M, Daniels A, Dargie G, Davies S, Canniere CD, de Haulleville T, Pasquel JDA, Derroire G, Dexter KG, Fiore AD, Djuikouo MK, Doucet J, Droissart V, Eilu G, Emillio T, Engel J, Enock BY, Ondo FE, Ewango C, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Fitriadi M, Llampazo GF, Foli EG, Fredriksson G, Galbraith DR, Gilpin M, Gloor E, Gonmadje C, Villaroel RG, Hall J, Hamer KC, Hamilton A, Hardy O, Hart T, Hédl R, Herrera R, Higuchi N, Hladik CM, Coronado EH, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Huasco WH, Hubau W, Idhamsyah M, Ismail SA, Jeffery K, Jimenez E, Jucker T, Kearsley E, Kho LK, Killeen T, Kitayama K, Laurance W, Laurance S, Leal M, Lewis SL, Lhota S, Lindsell J, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovett J, Lowe R, Magnusson WE, Makana J, Malhi Y, Marimon B, Junior BHM, Marshall A, Maycock C, Mbayu F, Mendoza C, Polo IM, Metali F, Mihindou V, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Moore S, Mucunguzi P, Mukinzi J, Munishi P, Nagy L, Naisso P, Neill D, Lima AN, Vargas PN, Ojo L, Palacios W, Camacho NP, Gutierrez AP, Peacock J, Peh KS, Cruz AP, Pendry C, Pennington T, Penuela-Mora MC, Petronelli P, Phillips OL, Pickavance G, Pipoly GJ, Pitman N, Poulsen AD, Prance GT, Prieto A, Primack RB, Qie L, Queenborough SA, Sunderland T, Quesada C, Arevalo FR, Ramirez-Angulo H, Reitsma J, Réjou-Méchain M, Roopsind A, Rovero F, Rutishauser E, Salim KA, Salomao R, Samsoedin I, Saparudin MS, Schietti J, Segovia RA, Serrano J, Serudia R, Sheil D, Silva N, Espejo JS, Silveira M, Simo-Droissart M, Singh J, Sonké B, Sousa TELD, Stropp J, Sukri R, Sunderland T, Svátek M, Swaine M, Taedoumg H, Talbot J, Tan S, Taplin J, Taylor D, Steege HT, Terborgh J, Torres-Lezama A, Mukendi JT, Tuagben D, van de Meer P, van der Heijden G, van der Hout P, van Nieuwstadt M, van Ulft B, Martinez RV, Vernimmen R, Vinceti B, Vieira S, Vieira ICG, Torre EV, Vleminckx J, White L, Willcock S, Williams M, Woods JT, Yao TL, Yassir I & Zagt R&Zemagho L. 2025. Large range sizes link fast life histories with high species richness across wet tropical tree floras. Sci Rep, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 4695, 2025, ISSN: 2045-2322. 10.1038/s41598-024-84367-3.

Cooper DLM, Lewis SL, Sullivan MJP, Prado PI, Steege HT, Barbier N, Slik F, Sonké B, Ewango CEN, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, de Aguiar DPP, Reategui MAA, Aiba S, Albuquerque BW, de Almeida Matos FD, Alonso A, Amani CA, do Amaral DD, do Amaral IL, Andrade A, de Andrade Miranda IP, Angoboy IB, Araujo-Murakami A, Arboleda NC, Arroyo L, Ashton P, CGAA, Baider C, Baker TR, Balinga MPB, Balslev H, Banin LF, Bánki OS, Baraloto C, Barbosa EM, Barbosa FR, Barlow J, Bastin J, Beeckman H, Begne S, Bengone NN, Berenguer E, Berry N, Bitariho R, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, Bonyoma B, Boundja P, Bourland N, Bosela FB, Brambach F, Brienen R, Burslem DFRP, Camargo JL, Campelo W, Cano A, Cárdenas S, López DC, de Sá Carpanedo R, Márquez YAC, Carvalho FA, Casas LF, Castellanos H, Castilho CV, Cerón C, Chapman CA, Chave J, Chhang P, Chutipong W, Chuyong GB, Cintra BBL, Clark CJ, de Souza FC, Comiskey JA, Coomes DA, Valverde FC, Correa DF, Costa FRC, Costa JBP, Couteron P, Culmsee H, Cuni-Sanchez A, Dallmeier F, Damasco G, Dauby G, Dávila N, Doza HPD, Alban JDTD, de Assis RL, Canniere CD, Haulleville TD, de Jesus Veiga Carim M, Demarchi LO, Dexter KG, Fiore AD, Din HHM, Disney MI, Djiofack BY, Djuikouo MK, Do TV, Doucet J, Draper FC, Droissart V, Duivenvoorden JF, Engel J, Estienne V, Farfan-Rios W, Fauset S, Feeley KJ, Feitosa YO, Feldpausch TR, Ferreira C, Ferreira J, Ferreira LV, Fletcher CD, Flores BM, Fofanah A, Foli EG, Fonty É, Fredriksson GM, Fuentes A, Galbraith D, Gonzales GPG, Garcia-Cabrera K, García-Villacorta R, Gomes VHF, Gómez RZ, Gonzales T, Gribel R, Guedes MC, Guevara JE, Hakeem KR, Hall JS, Hamer KC, Hamilton AC, Harris DJ, Harrison RD, Hart TB, Hector A, Henkel TW, Herbohn J, Hockemba MBN, Hoffman B, Holmgren M, Coronado ENH, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Hubau W, Imai N, Irume MV, Jansen PA, Jeffery KJ, Jimenez EM, Jucker T, Junqueira AB, Kalamandeen M, Kamdem NG, Kartawinata K, Yakusu EK, Katembo JM, Kearsley E, Kenfack D, Kessler M, Khaing TT, Killeen TJ, Kitayama K, Klitgaard B, Labrière N, Laumonier Y, Laurance SGW, Laurance WF, Laurent F, Le TC, Le TT, Leal ME, de Moraes Novo EML, Levesley A, Libalah MB, Licona JC, de Andrade Lima Filho D, Lindsell JA, Lopes A, Lopes MA, Lovett JC, Lowe R, Lozada JR, Lu X, Luambua NK, Luize BG, Maas P, Magalhães JLL, Magnusson WE, Mahayani NPD, Makana J, Malhi Y, Rincón LM, Mansor A, Manzatto AG, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Marshall AR, Martins MP, Mbayu FM, de Medeiros MB, Mesones I, Metali F, Mihindou V, Millet J, Milliken W, Mogollón HF, Molino J, Said MNM, Mendoza AM, Montero JC, Moore S, Mostacedo B, Pinto LFM, Mukul SA, Munishi PKT, Nagamasu H, Nascimento HEM, Nascimento MT, Neill D, Nilus R, Noronha JC, Nsenga L, Vargas PN, Ojo L, Oliveira AA, de Oliveira EA, Ondo FE, Cuenca WP, Pansini S, Pansonato MP, Paredes MR, Paudel E, Pauletto D, Pearson RG, Pena JLM, Pennington RT, Peres CA, Permana A, Petronelli P, Mora MCP, Phillips JF, Phillips OL, Pickavance G, Piedade MTF, Pitman NCA, Ploton P, Popelier A, Poulsen JR, Prieto A, Primack RB, Priyadi H, Qie L, Quaresma AC, de Queiroz HL, Ramirez-Angulo H, Ramos JF, Reis NFC, Reitsma J, Revilla JDC, Riutta T, Rivas-Torres G, Robiansyah I, Rocha M, de Jesus Rodrigues D, Rodriguez-Ronderos ME, Rovero F, Rozak AH, Rudas A, Rutishauser E, Sabatier D, Sagang LB, Sampaio AF, Samsoedin I, Satdichanh M, Schietti J, Schöngart J, Scudeller VV, Seuaturien N, Sheil D, Sierra R, Silman MR, Silva TSF, da Silva Guimarães JR, Simo-Droissart M, Simon MF, Sist P, Sousa TR, de Sousa Farias E, de Souza Coelho L, Spracklen DV, Stas SM, Steinmetz R, Stevenson PR, Stropp J, Sukri RS, Sunderland TCH, Suzuki E, Swaine MD, Tang J, Taplin J, Taylor DM, Tello JS, Terborgh J, Texier N, Theilade I, Thomas DW, Thomas R, Thomas SC, Tirado M, Toirambe B, de Toledo JJ, Tomlinson KW, Torres-Lezama A, Tran HD, Mukendi JT, Tumaneng RD, Umaña MN, Umunay PM, Giraldo LEU, Sandoval EHV, Gamarra LV, Andel TRV, van de Bult M, van de Pol J, van der Heijden G, Vasquez R, Vela CIA, Venticinque EM, Verbeeck H, Veridiano RKA, Vicentini A, Vieira ICG, Torre EV, Villarroel D, Zegarra BEV, Vleminckx J, von Hildebrand P, Vos VA, Vriesendorp C, Webb EL, White LJT, Wich S, Wittmann F, Zagt R, Zang R, Zartman CE, Zemagho L, Zent EL & Zent S. 2024. Consistent patterns of common species across tropical tree communities. Nature, 2024, ISSN: 1476-4687. 10.1038/s41586-023-06820-z.

Labrière N, Davies SJ, Disney MI, Duncanson LI, Herold M, Lewis SL, Phillips OL, Quegan S, Saatchi SS, Schepaschenko DG, Scipal K, Sist P & Chave J. 2023. Towards a forest biomass reference measurement system for remote sensing applications. Global Change Biology. 10.1111/gcb.16497. Read Article

Cazzolla Gattia R, Reichd P, Gamarrag J, Crowtherh T, Huii C, Morerak A, Bastinm J-F, de-Miguelk S, Nabuursn G-J, Svenningo J-C, Serra-Diaz J, Merow C, Enquist B, Kamenetsky M, Lee J, Zhu J, Fang J, Jacobs D, Pijanowski B, Banerjee A, Giaquinto R, Alberti G, Almeyda Zambrano AM, Alvarez-Davila E, Araujo-Murakami A, Avitabile V, Aymard G, Balazy R, Baraloto C, Barroso J, Bastian M, Birnbau P, Bitarih R, Bogaert J, Bongers F, Bouriaud O, Brancalion P, Brearley F, North Broadbent E, Bussotti F, Castro da Silva W, Gomes Cesar R, Cesljar G, Chama Moscoso V, Chen H, Cienciala E, Clark C, Coomes D, Dayanandan S, Decuyper M, Dee L, Del Aguila Pasquel J, Derroire G, Kamdem Djuikouo MN, Do TV, Dolezal J, Dordevic I, Engel J, Fayle T, Feldpausch T, Fridman J, Harris D, Hemp A, Hengeveld G, Herault B, Herold M, Ibane T, Jagodzinski A, Jaroszewicz B, Jeffery K, Johannsen V, Jucker T, Kangur A, Karminov V, Kartawinata K, Kennard D, Kepfer-Rojas S, Keppel G, Kha ML, Kumar Khare P, Kileen T, Kim HS, Korjus H, Kumar A, Kumar A, Laarmann D, Labriere N, Lan M, Lewis S, Lukina N, Maitner B, Malhi Y, Marshall A, Martynenko O, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Ontikov P, Ortiz-Malavasi E, Pallqui Camacho N, Paquette A, Parka M, Parthasarathy N, Peri PL, Petronelli P, Pfautsch S, Phillips OL, Picardg N, Piotto D, Poorter L, Poulsen J, Pretzsch H, Ramırez-Angulo H, Restrepo Correa Z, Rodeghiero M, Del Pilar Rojas Gonzales R, Rolim S, Rovero F, Rutishauser E, Saiki P, Salas-Eljati C, Schepaschenko D, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Seben V, Silveira M, Slik F, Sonke B, Souza A, Sterenczak KJ, Svoboda M, Taedoumg H, Tchebakova N, Terborgh J, Tikhonova E, Torres-Lezama A, van der Plas F, Vasquez R, Viana H, Vibrans A, Vilanova E, Vos VA, Wang H-F, Westerlund B, White LJT, Wiser S, Zawia-Niedzwiecki T, Zemagho L, Zhu Z-X, Zo-Bi I & Lianga J. 2022. The number of tree species on Earth. PNAS 119 (6):e2115329119. 10.1073/pnas.2115329119. Read Article

de Lima RAF, Phillips OL, Duque A, Tello JS, Davies SJ, Adalardo de Oliveira A, Muller S, Honorio Coronado EN, Vilanova E, Cuni-Sanchez A, Baker TR, Ryan CM, Malizia A, Lewis SL, ter Steege H, Ferreira J, Schwantes Marimon B, Truong Luu H, Imani G, Arroyo L, Blundo C, Kenfack D, Sainge MN, Sonké B & Vásquez R. 2022. Making forest data fair and open. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2022). Read Article

Rozendaal DMA, Requena Suarez D, De Sy V, Avitabile V, Carter S, Adou Yao CY, Alvarez-Davila E, Anderson-Teixeira K, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, Barca B, Baker TR, Birigazzi L, Bongers F, Branthomme A, Brienen RJW, Carreiras JMB, Cazzolla Gatti R, Cook-Patton SC, Decuyper M, DeVries B, Espejo AB, Feldpausch TR, Fox J, Gamarra JGP, Griscom BW, Harris N, Hérault B, Honorio Coronado EN, Jonckheere I, Konan E, Leavitt SM, Lewis SL, Lindsell JA, Kassi N'Dja J, N'Guessan AE, Marimon B, Mitchard ETA, Monteagudo A, Morel A, Pekkarinen A, Phillips OL, Poorter L, Qie L, Rutishauser E, Ryan CM, Santoro M, Silayo DS, Sist P, Slik JWF, Sonké B, Sullivan MJP, Vaglio Laurin G, Vilanova E, Wang MMH, Zahabu E & Herold M. 2022. Aboveground forest biomass varies across continents, ecological zones and successional stages: refined IPCC default values for tropical and subtropical forests. Environmental Research Letters 17:014047. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac45b3.

Bennett AC, Dargie GC, Cuni-Sanchez A, Tshibamba Mukendi J, Hubau W, ad, MukinziJM, Phillips OL, Malhi Y, Sullivan MJP, Cooper DLM, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoen K, Amani CA, Banin LF, Beeckman H, Begne SK, Bocko YE, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, Brncic T, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, Daniels AK, de Haulleville T, Djuikouo Kamdem M-N, Doucet J-L, Evouna Ondo F, Ewango CEN, Feldpausch TR, Foli EG, Gonmadjee C, Hall JS, Hardy OJ, Harris DJ, Ifo SA, Jeffery KJ, Kearsley E, Leal M, Levesley A, Makana J-R, Mbayu Lukasu F, Medjibe VP, Mihindu V, Sam Moore S, Nssi Begone N, Pickavance GC, Poulsen JR, Reitsma J, Sonké B, Sunderland TCH, Taedoumg H, Talbot J, Tuagben DS, Umunay PM, Verbeeck H, Vleminckx J, White LJT, Woell H, Woods JT, Zemagho L & Lewis SL. 2021. Resistance of African tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. PNAS 118 (21). 10.1073/pnas.2003169118. Read Article

Cuni-Sanchez A, Sullivan MJP, Platts PJ, Lewis SL, Marchant R, Imani G, Hubau W, Abiem I, Adhikari H, Albrecht T, Altman J, Amani C, Aneseyee AB, Avitabile V, Banin L, Batumike R, Bauters M, Beeckman H, Begne SK, Bennett AC, Bitariho R, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, Bräuning A, Bulonvu F, Burgess ND, Calders K, Chapman C, Chapman H, Comiskey J, de Haulleville T, Decuyper M, DeVries B, Dolezal J, Droissart V, Ewango C, Feyera S, Gebrekristos A, Gereau R, Gilpin M, Hakizimana D, Hall J, Hamilton A, Hardy O, Hart T, Heiskanen J, Hemp A, Herold M, Hiltner U, Horak D, Kamdem M-N, Kayijamahe C, Kenfack D, Kinyanjui MJ, Klein J, Lisingo J, Lovett J, Lung M, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Marshall A, Martin EH, Mitchard ETA, Morel A, Mukendi JT, Muller T, Nchu F, Nyirambangutse B, Okello J, Peh KS-H, Pellikka P, Phillips OL, Plumptre A, Qie L, Rovero F, Sainge MN, Schmitt CB, Sedlacek O, Ngute ASK, Sheil D, Sheleme D, Simegn TY, Simo-Droissart M, Sonké B, Soromessa T, Sunderland T, Svoboda M, Taedoumg H, Taplin J, Taylor D, Thomas SC, Timberlake J, Tuagben D, Umunay P, Uzabaho E, Verbeeck H, Vleminckx J, Wallin G, Wheeler C, Willcock S & Woods JT &Zibera E. 2021. High aboveground carbon stock of African tropical montane forests. Nature 596:536–542. Read Article

ForestPlotsnet, Blundo C, Carilla J, Grau R, Malizia A, Malizia L, Osinaga-Acosta O, Bird M, Bradford M, Catchpole D, Ford A, Graham A, Hilbert D, Kemp J, Laurance S, Laurance W, Yoko Ishida F, Marshall A, Waite C, Woell H, Bastin J-F, Bauters M, Beeckman H, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, De Canniere C, de Haulleville T, Doucet J-L, Hardy O, Hubau W, Kearsley E, Verbeeck H, Vleminckx J, Brewer SW, Alarcon A, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets E, Arroyo L, Chavez E, Fredericksen T, Guillen Villaroel R, Gutierrez Sibauty G, Timothy Killeen T, Licona JC, Lleigue J, Mendoza C, Murakami S, Parada Gutierrez A, Pardo G, Pena-Claros M, Poorter L, Toledo M, Villalobos Cayo J, Viscarra LJ, Vos V, Ahumada J, Almeida E, Almeida J, Almeida de Oliveira E, Alves da Cruz W, Alves de Oliveira A, Alvim Carvalho F, Amorim Obermuller F, Andrade A, Antunes Carvalho F, Aparecida Vieira S, Aquino AC, Aragao L, Araújo AC, Assis MA, Ataliba Mantelli Aboin Gomes J, Baccaro F, Barbosa de Camargo P, Barni P, Barroso J, Bernacci LC, Bordin K, Brilhante de Medeiros M, Broggio I, Camargo JL, Cardoso D, Carniello MA, Casarin Rochelle AL, Castilho C, Castro AAJF, Wendeson Castro W, Cerruto Ribeiro S, Costa F, Costa de Oliveira R, Coutinho I, Cunha J, da Costa L, da Costa Ferreira L, da Costa Silva R, da Graça Zacarias Simbine M, de Andrade Kamimura V, de Lima HC, de Oliveira Melo L, de Queiroz L, de Sousa Lima JR, do Espírito Santo, Domingues T, dos Santos Prestes NC, Eduardo Silva Carneiro S, Elias F, Eliseu G, Emilio T, Laís Farrapo C, Fernandes L, Ferreira G, Ferreira J, Ferreira L, Ferreira S, Fragomeni Simon M, Freitas MA, García QS, Gilberto Manzatto A, Graça P, Guilherme F, Hase E, Higuchi N, Iguatemy M, Imbrozio Barbosa R, Jaramillo M, Joly C, Klipel J, Leaodo Amaral I, Levis C, Lima AS, Lima Dan M, Lopes A, Madeiros H, Magnusson WE, Manoel dos Santos R, Marimon B, Marimon Junior BH, Marotti Martelletti Grillo R, Martinelli L, Matias Reis S, Medeiros S, Meira-Junior M, Metzker T, Morandi P, Moreira do Nascimento N, Moura M, Müller SC, Nagy L, Nascimento H, Nascimento M, Nogueira Lima A, Oliveira de Araújo R, Oliveira Silva J, Pansonato M, Pavan Sabino G, Pedra de Abreu KM, Pena Rodrigues PJF, Piedade M, Rodrigues D, Rodrigues Pinto JR, Quesada C, Ramos E, Ramos R, Rodrigues P, Rodrigues de Sousa T, Salomao R, Santana F, Scaranello M, Scarton Bergamin R, Schietti J, Schongart J, Schwartz G, Silva N, Silveira M, Simao Seixas C, Simbine M, Souza AC, Souza P, Souza R, Sposito T, Stefani Junior E, do Vale JD, Guimaraes Vieira IC, Villela D, Vital M, Xaud H, Zanini K, Zartman CE, Hafizhah Ideris NK, binti Hj Metali F, Salim KA, Shahruney Saparudin M, Serudin RM, Sukmaria Sukri R, Begne S, Chuyong G, Djuikouo MN, Gonmadje C, Simo-Droissart M, Sonke B, Taedoumg H, Zemagho L, Thomas S, Baya F, Saiz G, Silva Espejo J, Chen D, Hamilton A, Li Y, Luo T, Niu S, Xu H, Zhou Z, Alvarez-Davila E, Andres Escobar JC, Arellano-Pena H, Cabezas Duarte J, Calderon J, Corrales Bravo LM, Cuadrado B, Cuadros H, Duque A, Duque LF, Espinosa SM, Franke-Ante R, García H, Gomez A, Gonzalez-M R, Idarraga-Piedrahíta A, Jimenez E, Jurado R, Lopez Oviedo W, Lopez-Camacho R, Melo Cruz OA, Mendoza Polo I, Paky E, Perez K, Pijachi A, Pizano C, Prieto A, Ramos L, Restrepo Correa Z, Richardson J, Rodríguez E, Rodriguez MGM, Rudas A, Stevenson P, Chudomelova M, Dancak M, Hedl R, LhotaS, Svatek M, Mukinzi J, Ewango C, Hart T, Kasongo Yakusu E, Lisingo J, Makana J-R, Mbayu F, Toirambe B, Tshibamba Mukendi J, Kvist L, Nebel G, Baez S, Ceron C, Griffith DM, Guevara Andino JE, Neill D, Palacios W, Penuela-Mora MC, Rivas-Torres G, Villa G, Demissie S, Gole T, Gonfa T, Ruokolainen K, Baisie M, Benedet F, Betian W, Bezard V, Bonal D, Chave J, Droissart V, Gourlet-Fleury S, Hladik A, Labriere N, Naisso P, Rejou-Mechain M, Sist P, Blanc L, Burban B, Derroire G, Dourdain A, Stahl C, Bengone NN, Chezeaux E, Evouna Ondo F, Medjibe V, Mihindou V, White L, Culmsee H, Duran Rangel C, Horna V, Wittmann F, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, Foli E, Balinga M, Roopsind A, Singh J, Thomas R, Zagt R, Murthy IK, Kartawinata K, Mirmanto E, Priyadi H, Samsoedin I, Sunderland T, Yassir I, Rovero F, Vinceti B, Herault B, Aiba S-I, Kitayama K, Daniels A, Tuagben D, Woods JT, Fitriadi M, Karolusih A, Lip Khoon K, Majalap N, Maycock C, Nilus R, Tan S, Sitoe A, Coronado GI, Ojo L, de Assisiq R, Dalberg Poulsen A, Sheil D, Arevalo Pezo K, Buttgenbach Verde H, Chama Moscoso V, Cordova Oroche JC, Cornejo Valverde F, Corrales Medina M, Davila Cardozo N, de Rutte Corzo J, del Aguila Pasquel J, Flores Llampazo G, Freitasja L, Galiano Cabrera D, García Villacorta R, Garcia Cabrera K, García Soria D, Gatica Saboya L, Grandez Rios JM, Hidalgo Pizango G, Honorio Coronado E, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Huaraca Huasco W, Huillca Aedo YT, Marcelo Pena JL, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Moreano Rodriguez V, Núnez Vargas P, Palacios Ramos SC, Pallqui Camacho N, Pena Cruz A, Ramirez Arevalo F, Reyna Huaymacari J, Reynel Rodriguez C, Ríos Paredes MA, Rodriguez Bayona L, Rojas Gonzales R, Rojas Pena ME, Salinas Revilla N, Soto Shareva YC, Tupayachi Trujillo R, Valenzuela Gamarra L, Vasquez Martinez R, Vega Arenasit J, Amani C, Averti Ifo S, Yannick Bocko Y, Boundja P, Ekoungoulou R, Hockemba M, Nzala D, Fofanah A, Taylor D, Banares-de Dios G, Cayuela L, Inigo Granzow-de la Cerda I, Macía M, Stropp J, Playfair M, Wortel V, Gardner T, Muscarella R, Priyadi H, Rutishauser E, Chao K-J, Munishi P, Banki O, Bongers F, Boot R, Fredriksson G, Reitsma J, ter Steege H, van Andel T, van de Meer P, van der Hout P, van Nieuwstadt M, van Ulft B, Veenendaal E, Vernimmen R, Zuidema P, Zwerts J, Akite P, Bitariho R, Chapman C, Gerald E, Leal M, Mucunguzi P, Abernethy K, Alexiades M, Baker TR, Banda K, Banin L, Barlow J, Bennett A, Berenguer E, Berry N, Bird NM, Blackburn GA, Brearley F, Brienen R, Burslem D, Carvalho L, Cho P, Coelho F, Collins M, Coomes D, Cuni-Sanchez A, Dargie G, Dexter K, Disney M, Draper F, Duan M, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Ewers R, Fadrique B, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, França F, Galbraith D, Gilpin M, Gloor E, Grace J, Hamer K, Harris D, Jeffery K, Jucker T, Kalamandeen M, Klitgaard B, Levesley A, Lewis SL, Lindsell J, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovett J, Malhi Y, Marthews T, McIntosh E, Melgaço K, Milliken W, Mitchard E, Moonlight P, Moore S, Morel A, Peacock J, Peh KS-H, Pendry C, Pennington RT, de Oliveira Pereira L, Peres C, Phillips OL, Pickavance GC, Pugh T, Qie LQ, Riutta T, Roucoux K, Ryan C, Sarkinen T, Silva Valeria C, Spracklen D, Stas S, Sullivan M, Swaine M, Talbot J, Taplin J, van der Heijden G, Vedovato L, Willcock S, Williams M, Alves L, Alvarez Loayza P, Arellano G, Asa C, Ashton P, Asner G, Brncic T, Brown F, Burnham R, Clark C, Comiskey J, Damasco G, Davies S, Di Fiore T, Erwin T, Farfan-Rios W, Hall J, Kenfack D, Lovejoy T, Martin R, Montiel OM, Pipoly J, Pitman N, Poulsen J, Primack R, Silman M, Steininger M, Swamy V, Terborgh J, Thomas D, Umunay P, Uriarte M, Vilanova Torre E, Wang O, Young K, Aymard CGA, Hernandez L, Herrera Fernandez R, Ramírez-Angulo H, Salcedo P, Sanoja E, Serrano J, Torres-Lezama A, Cong Le T, Trong Le T & Tran H. 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260:108849. 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108849. Read Article

Aguirre-Gutiérrez J, Malhi Y, Lewis SL, Fauset S, Adu-Bredu S, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Gvozdevaite A, Hubau W, Moore S, Peprah T, Ziemińska K, Phillips OL & Oliveras I. 2020. Long-term droughts may drive drier tropical forests towards increased functional, taxonomic and phylogenetic homogeneity. Nature Communications 11:3346. 10.1038/s41467-020-16973-4. Read Article

Burt A, Calders K, Cuni-Sanchez A, Gómez-Dans J, Lewis P, Lewis SL, Malhi Y, Phillips OL & Disney M. 2020. Assessment of Bias in Pan-Tropical Biomass Predictions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00012. Read Article

Hubau W, Lewis SL, Phillips OL, Affum-Baffoe K, Beeckman H, Cuní-Sanchez A, Daniels AK, Ewango CEN, Fauset S, Mukinzi JM, Sheil D, Sonké B, Sullivan MJP, Sunderland TCH, Taedoumg H, Thomas SC, White LJT, Abernethy KA, Adu-Bredu S, Amani CA, Baker TR, Banin LF, Baya F, Begne SK, Bennett AC, Benedet F, Bitariho R, Bocko Y, Boeckx P, Boundja P, Brienen RJW, Brncic T, Chezeaux E, Chuyong GB, Clark CJ, Collins M, Comiskey JA, Coomes DA, Dargie GC, de Haulleville T, Djuikouo Kamdem MN, Doucet J-L, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Feldpausch TR, Fofanah A, Foli EG, Gilpin M, Gloor E, Gonmadje C, Gourlet-Fleury S, Hall JS, Hamilton AC, Harris DJ, Hart TB, Hockemba MBN, Hladik A, Ifo SA, Jeffery KJ, Jucker T, Kasongo Yakusu E, Kearsley E, Kenfack D, Koch A, Leal ME, Levesley A, Lindsell JA, Lisingo J, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovett JC, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Marshall AR, Martin J, Martin EH, Mbayu FM, Medjibe VP, Mihindou V, Mitchard ETA, Moore S, Munishi PKT, Nssi Bengone N, Ojo L, Evouna Ondo F, Peh KSH, Pickavance GC, Dalberg Poulsen A, Poulsen JR, Qie L, Reitsma J, Rovero F, Swaine MD, Talbot J, Taplin J, Taylor DM, Thomas DW, Toirambe B, Tshibamba Mukendi J, Tuagben D, Umunay PM, van der Heijden GMF, Verbeeck H, Vleminckx J, Willcock S, Wöll H, Woods JT & Zemagho L. 2020. Asynchronous carbon sink saturation in African and Amazonian tropical forests. Nature 579:80-87. 10.1038/s41586-020-2035-0. Read Article

Kattge Jet al. 2020. TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26:119–188. 10.1111/gcb.14904. Read Article

Loubota Panzou GJ, Fayolle A, Jucker T, Phillips OL, Bohlman S, Banin LF, Lewis SL, Affum‐Baffoe K, Alves LF, Antin C, Arets E, Arroyo L, Baker TR, Barbier N, Beeckman H, Berger U, Bocko YE, Bongers F, Bowers S, Brade T, Brondizio ES, Chantrain A, Chave J, Compaore H, Coomes D, Diallo A, Dias AS, Dimobe K, Djaney Djagbletey G, Domingues T, Doucet J-L, Drouet T, Forni E, Godlee JL, Goodman RC, Gourlet‐Fleury S, Hien F, Iida Y, Ilondea BH, Ilunga Muledi J, Jacques P, Kuyah S, López‐Portillo J, Joël Loumeto J, Marimon‐Junior BH, Schwantes Marimon B, Mensah S, Mitchard ETA, Moncrieff GR, Narayanan A, O’Brien ST, Ouedraogo K, Palace MW, Pelissier R, Ploton P, Poorter L, Ryan CM, Saiz G, dos Santos K, Schlund M, Sellan G, Sonke B, Sterck F, Thibaut Q, Van Hoef Y, Veenendaal E, Vovides AG, Xu Y, Yao TL & Feldpausch TR. 2020. Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Read Article

Marselis SM, Abernethy K, Alonso A, Armston J, Baker TR, Bastin J-F, Bogaert J, Boyd DS, Boeckx P, Burslem DFRP, Chazdon R, Clark DB, Coomes D, Duncanson L, Hancock S, Hill R, Hopkinson C, Kearsley E, Kellner JR, Kenfack D, Labrière N, Lewis SL, Minor D, Memiaghe H, Monteagudo A, Nilus R, O'Brien M, Phillips OL, Poulsen J, Tang H, Verbeeck H & Dubayah R. 2020. Evaluating the potential of full‐waveform lidar for mapping pan‐tropical tree species richness. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 10.1111/geb.13158. Read Article

Muscarella R, Emilio T, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Slik F, Baker WJ, Couvreur TLP, Eiserhardt WL, Svenning J-C, Affum-Baffoe K, Aiba S-I, de Almeida EC, de Almeida SS, Almeida de Oliveira E, Álvarez-Dávila E, Alves LF, Alvez-Valles CM, Alvim Carvalho F, Alzate Guarin F, Andrade A, Aragão LEOC, Araujo Murakami A, Arroyo L, Ashton PS, Aymard Corredor GA, Timothy RBaker TR, Barbosa de Camargo P, Barlow J, Bastin J-F, Bengone NN, Berenguer E, Berry N, Blanc L, Böhning-Gaese K, Bonal D, Bongers F, Bradford M, Brambach F, Brearley FQ, Brewer SW, Camargo JLC, Campbell DG, Castilho CV, Castro W, Catchpole D, Cerón Martínez CE, Chen S, Chhang P, Cho P, Chutipong W, Clark CC, Collins M, ComiskeyJA, Corrales Medina MN, Costa FRC, Culmsee H, David-Higuita H, Davidar P, del Aguila-Pasquel J, Derroire G, Di Fiore A, Do TV, Doucet JL, Dourdain A, Drake DR, Ensslin A, Erwin T, Ewango CEN, Ewers RM, Sophie Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Ferreira J, Ferreira LV, Fischer M, Franklin J, Fredriksson GM, Gillespie TW, Gilpin M, Gonmadje C, Gunatilleke AUN, Hakeem KR, Hall JS, Hamer KC, Harris DJ, Harrison RD, Hector A, Hemp A, Herault B, Hidalgo Pizango GC, Honorio Coronado EN, Hubau W, Hussain MS, Ibrahim F-H, Imai N, Joly CA, Joseph S, Anitha K, Kartawinata k, Kassi J, Killeen TJ, Kitayama K, Klitgård BB, Kooyman R, Labrière N, Larney E, Laumonier Y, Laurance SG, Laurance WF, Lawes MJ, Levesley A, Lisingo J, Lovejoy T, Lovett JC, Lu X, Lykke AM, Magnusson WE, Mahayani NPD, Malhi Y, Mansor A, Marcelo Peña JL, Marimon-Junior BH, Marshall AR, Melgaco K, Mendoza Bautista C|, Mihindou V, Millet J, Milliken W, Mohandass D, Monteagudo Mendoza AL, Mugerwa B, Nagamasu H, Nagy L, Neuaturien N, Nascimento MT, Neill DA, Neto LM, Nilus R, Núñez Vargas MP, Nurtjahya E, Nazaré Ode Araújo R, Onrizal O, Palacios WA, Palacios-Ramos S, Parren M, Paudel E, Morandi PS, Pennington RT, Pickavance GC, Pipoly JJ, Pitman NCA, Poedjirahajoe E, Poorter L, Poulsen JR, Prasad PRC, Prieto A, Puyravaud J-P, Qie L, Quesada CA, Ramírez-Angulo H, Razafimahaimodison JC, Reitsma JM, Requena-Rojas EJ, Restrepo Correa Z, Reynel Rodriguez C, Roopsind A, Rovero F, Rozak A, Rudas Lleras A, Rutishauser E, Rutten G, Punchi-Manage R, Salomão RP, Sam HV, Sarker SK, Satdichanh M, Schietti J, Schmitt CB, Schwantes Marimon B, Senbeta F, Sharma LN, Sheil D, Sierra R, Silva-Espejo JE, Silveira M, Sonké B, Steininger MK, Steinmet R, Stévart T, Sukumar R, Sultana A, Sunderland TCH, Suresh HS, Tang J, Tanner E, ter Steege H, Terborgh JW, Theilade I, Timberlake J, Torres-Lezama A, Umunay P, Uriarte M, Valenzuela Gamarra L, van de Bult M, van der Hout P, Vasquez Martinez R, Vieira ICG, Vieira SA, Vilanova E, Villalobos Cayo J, Wang O, Webb CO, Webb EL, White L, Whitfeld TJS, Wich S, Willcock S, Wiser SK, Young KR, Zakaria R, Zang R, Zartman CE, Zo-Bi IC & Henrik Balslev H. 2020. The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:1495-1514. 10.1111/geb.13123. Read Article

Rozendaal DMA, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Affum‐Baffoe K, Alvarez Dávila E, Andrade A, Aragão LEOC, Araujo‐Murakami A, Baker TR, Bánki O, Brienen RJW, Camargo JLC, Comiskey JA, Djuikouo MNK, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Killeen TJ, Laurance WF, Laurance SGW, Lovejoy T, Malhi Y, Marimon BS, Marimon Junior B-H, Marshall AR, Neill DA, Núñez Vargas P, Pitman NCA, Poorter L, Reitsma J, Silveira M, Sonké B, Sunderland T, Taedoumg H, ter Steege H, Terborgh JW, Umetsu RK, van der Heijden GMF, Vilanova E, Vos V, White LJT, Willcock S, Zemagho L & Vanderwel MC. 2020. Competition influences tree growth, but not mortality, across environmental gradients in Amazonia and tropical Africa. Ecology. 10.1002/ecy.3052. Read Article

Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, Affum-Baffoe K, Castilho C, Costa F, Cuni Sanchez A, Ewango CEN, Hubau W, Marimon B, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Qie L, Sonké B, Vasquez Martinez R, Baker TR, Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Galbraith D, Gloor M, Malhi Y, Aiba S-I, Alexiades MN, Almeida EC, Almeida de Oliveira E, Álvarez Dávila E, Alvarez Loayza P, Andrade A, Aparecida Vieira S, Aragão LEOC, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets EJMM, Arroyo L, Ashton P, Aymard CG, Baccaro FB, Banin LF, Baraloto C, Barbosa Camargo P, Barlow J, Barroso J, Bastin J-F, Batterman SA, Beeckman H, Begne SK, Bennett AC, Berenguer E, Berry N, Blanc L, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, Bonal D, Bongers F, Bradford M, Brearley FQ, Brncic T, Brown F, Burban B, Camargo JL, Castro W, Céron C, Cerruto Ribeiro S, Chama Moscoso V, Chave J, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, Coelho de Souza F, Collins M, Comiskey JA, Cornejo Valverde F, Corrales Medina M, Lola da Costa A, Dancˇák M, Dargie GC, Davies S, Davila Cardozo N, de Haulleville T, Brilhante de Medeiros M, del Aguila Pasquel J, Derroire G, Di Fiore A, Doucet J-L, Dourdain A, Droissant V, Fernanda Duque L, Ekoungoulou R, Elias F, Erwin T, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Fauset S, Ferreira J, Flores Llampazo G, Foli E, Ford A, Gilpin M, Hall JS, Hamer KC, Hamilton AC, Harris DJ, Hart TB, Hédl R, Herault B, Herrera R, Higuchi N, Hladik A, Honorio Coronado E, Huamantupa-Chuquimaco I, Huaraca Huasco W, Jeffery KJ, Jimenez-Rojas E, Kalamandeen M, Kamdem Djuikouo MN, Kearsley E, Keichi Umetsu R, Khoon Kho L, Killeen T, Kitayama K, Klitgaard B, Koch A, Labrière N, Laurance W, Laurance S, Leal ME, Levesley A, Lima AJN, Lisingo J, Lopes AP, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovejoy T, Lovett JC, Lowe R, Magnusson WE, Malumbres-Olarte J, Gilberto Manzatto A, Marimon Jr BH, Marshall AR, Marthews T, Matias de Almeida Reis S, Maycock C, Melgaço K, Mendoza C, Metali F, Mihindou V, Milliken W, Mitchard ETA, Morandi PS, Mossman HL, Nagy L, Nascimento H, Neill D, Nilus R, Núñez Vargas P, Palacios W, Pallqui Camacho N, Peacock J, Pendry C, Peñuela Mora MC, Pickavance GC, Pipoly J, Pitman N, Playfair M, Poorter L, Poulsen JR, Dalberg Poulsen A, Preziosi R, Prieto A, Primack RB, Ramírez-Angulo H, Reitsma J, Réjou-Méchain M, Restrepo Correa Z, Rodrigues de Sousa T, Rodriguez Bayona L, Roopsind A, Rudas A, Rutishauser E, Salim KA, Salomão RP, Juliana Schietti J, Sheil D, Silva RC, Silva Espejo J, Silva Valeria C, Silveira M, Simo-Droissart M, Simon MF, Singh J, Soto Shareva YC, Stahl C, Stropp J, Sukri R, Sunderland T, Svátek M, Swaine MD, Swamy V, Taedoumg H, Talbot J, Taplin J, Taylor D, ter Steege H, Terborgh J, Thomas R, Thomas SC, Torres-Lezama A, Umunay P, Valenzuela Gamarra L, van der Heijden G, van der Hout P, van der Meer P, van Nieuwstadt M, Verbeeck H, Vernimmen R, Vicentini A, Guimarães Vieira IC, Vilanova Torre E, Vleminckx J, Vos V, Wang O, White LJT, Willcock S, Woods JT, Wortel V, Young K, Zagt R, Zemagho L, Zuidema PA, Zwerts JA & Phillips OL. 2020. Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests. Science 368:869–874. 10.1126/science.aaw7578. Read Article


Cardoso AW, Malhi Y, Oliveras I, Lehmann D, Edzang Ndong J, Dimoto E, Bush E, Jeffery K, Labriere N, Lewis SL, White LTJ, Bond W & Abernethy K. 2019. The Role of Forest Elephants in Shaping Tropical Forest–Savanna Coexistence. Ecosystems 1-15. 10.1007/s10021-019-00424-3. Read Article

Chave J, Davies SJ, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Sist P, Schepaschenko D, Armston J, Baker TR, Coomes D, Disney M, Duncanson L, Hérault B, Labrière N, Meyer V, Réjou‑Méchain M, Scipal K & Saatchi S. 2019. Ground Data are Essential for Biomass Remote Sensing Missions. Surveys in Geophysics. 10.1007/s10712-019-09528-w. Read Article

Hubau W, De Mil T, Van den Bulcke J, Phillips OL, Angoboy Ilondea B, Van Acker J, Sullivan MJP, Nsenga L, Toirambe B, Couralet C, Banin LF, Begne SK, Baker TR, Bourland N, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, Collins M, Comiskey JA, Cuni-Sanchez A, Deklerck V, Dierickx S, Doucet JL, Ewango CEN, Feldpausch TR, Gilpin M, Gonmadje C, Hall JS, Harris DJ, Hardy OJ, Kamdem MND, Kasongo Yakusu E, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Makana JR, Malhi Y, Mbayu FM, Moore S, Mukinzi J, Pickavance GC, Poulsen JR, Reitsma J, Rousseau M, Sonké B, Sunderland T, Taedoumg H, Talbot J, Tshibamba Mukendi J, Umunay PM, Vleminckx J, White LJT, Zemagho L, Lewis SL & Beeckman H. 2019. The persistence of carbon in the African forest understory. Nature Plants. 10.1038/s41477-018-0316-5. Read Article

Jesus Aguirre-Gutierrez, Imma Oliveras, Sami Rifai, Sophie Fauset, Stephen, Adu-Bredu, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Timothy RBaker, Ted RFeldpausch, Agne Gvozdevaite, Wannes Hubau, Nathan JBKraft, Simon LLewis, Sam Moore, Ulo Niinemets, Theresa Peprah, Oliver LPhillips, Kasia Zieminska, Brian Enquist & Yadvinder Malhi. 2019. Drier tropical forests are susceptible to functional changes in response to a long-term drought. Ecology Letters Mar 4, 2019. doi: 10.1111/ele.13243. Read Article

Marselis SM, Tang H, Armston J, Abernethy K, Alonso A, Nicolas Barbier N, Bissiengou P, Jeffery K, Kenfack D, Labrière N, Lee S-K, Lewis SL, Memiaghe H, Poulsen JR, White L & Dubayah R. 2019. Exploring the relation between remotely sensed vertical canopy structure and tree species diversity in Gabon. Environmental Research Letters 14 (094013). 10.1088/1748-9326/ab2dcd. Read Article

Requena Suarez D, Rozendaal DMA, De Sy V, Phillips OL, Alvarez‐Dávila E, Anderson‐Teixeira K, Araujo‐Murakami A, Arroyo L, Baker TR, Bongers F, Brienen RJW, Carter S, Cook‐Patton SC, Feldpausch TR, Griscom BW, Harris N, Hérault B, Honorio Coronado EN, Leavitt SM, Lewis SL, Marimon BS, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Kassi N'dja J, N'Guessan AE, Poorter L, Qie L, Rutishauser E, Sist P, Sonké B, Sullivan MJP, Vilanova E, Wang MMH, Martius C & Herold M. 2019. Estimating aboveground net biomass change for tropical and subtropical forests: Refinement of IPCC default rates using forest plot data. Global Change Biology 00:1-16. 10.1111/gcb.14767. Read Article

Schepaschenko D, Chave J, Phillips OL, Lewis SL, Davies SJ, Réjou-Méchain M, Sist P, Scipal K, Perger C, Herault B, Labrière N, Hofhansl F, Affum-Baffoe K, Aleinikov A, Alonso A, Amani C, Araujo-Murakami A, Armston J, Arroyo L, Ascarrunz N, Azevedo C, Baker T, Bałazy R, Bedeau C, Berry N, Bilous AM, Yu Bilous S, Bissiengou P, Blanc L, Bobkova KS, Braslavskaya T, Brienen R, Burslem DFRP, Condit R, Cuni-Sanchez A, Danilina D, del Castillo Torres D, Derroire G, Descroix L, Doff Sotta E, d’Oliveira MVN, Dresel C, Erwin T, Evdokimenko MD, Falck J, Feldpausch TR, Foli EG, Foster R, Fritz S, Garcia-Abril AD, Gornov A, Gornova M, Gothard-Bassébé E, Gourlet-Fleury S, Guedes M, Hamer KC, Herry Susanty F, Higuchi N, Honorio Coronado EN, Hubau W, Hubbell S, Ilstedt U, Ivanov VV, Kanashiro M, Karlsson A, Karminov VN, Killeen T, Konan Koffi J-C, Konovalova M, Kraxner F, Krejza J, Krisnawati H, Krivobokov LV, Kuznetsov MA, Lakyda I, Lakyda PI, Licona JC, Lucas RM, Lukina N, Lussetti D, Malhi Y, Manzanera JA, Marimon B, Marimon Junior BH, Vasquez Martinez R, Martynenko OV, Matsala M, Matyashuk RK, Mazzei L, Memiaghe H, Mendoza C, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Moroziuk OV, Mukhortova L, Musa S, Nazimova DI, Okuda T, Oliveira LC, Ontikov PV, Osipov AF, Pietsch S, Playfair M, Poulsen J, Radchenko VG, Rodney K, Rozak AH, Ruschel A, Rutishauser E, See L, Shchepashchenko M, Shevchenko N, Shvidenko A, Silveira M, Singh J, Sonké B, Souza C, Stereńczak K, Stonozhenko L, Sullivan MJP, Szatniewska J, Taedoumg H, ter Steege H, Tikhonova E, Toledo M, Trefilova OV, Valbuena R, Valenzuela Gamarra L, Vasiliev S, Vedrova EF, Verhovets SV, Vidal E, Vladimirova NA, Vleminckx J, Vos VA, Wanek W, West TAP, Woods JT, Wortel V, Hajar ZS & Casimir Zo-Bi I. 2019. The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass. Scientific Data 6 (198). 10.1038/s41597-019-0196-1. Read Article

Steidinger BS et al. 2019. Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses. Nature 569:404-408. 10.1038/s41586-019-1128-0. Read Article


Alberto Silva C, Saatchi S, Garcia M, Labriere N, Klauberg C, Ferraz A, Meyer V, Jeffery KJ, Abernethy K, White L, Zhao K, Lewis SL & Hudak AT. 2018. Comparison of Small- and Large-Footprint Lidar Characterization of Tropical Forest Aboveground Structure and Biomass: A Case Study From Central Gabon. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11 (10):3512-3526. 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2816962. Read Article

Bastin J-F, Rutishauser E, Kellner JR, Saatchi S, Pélissier R, Hérault B, Slik F, Bogaert J, De Cannière C, Marshall AR, Poulsen J, Alvarez-Loyayza P, Andrade A, Angbonga-Basia A, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, Ayyappan N, de Azevedo CP, Banki O, Barbier N, Barroso JG, Beeckman H, Bitariho R, Boeckx P, Boehning-Gaese K, Brandão H, Brearley FQ, Breuer Ndoundou Hockemba M, Brienen R, Camargo JLC, Campos-Arceiz A, Cassart B, Chave J, Chazdon R, Chuyong G, Clark DB, Clark CJ, Condit R, Honorio Coronado EN, Davidar P, de Haulleville T, Descroix L, Doucet J-L, Dourdain A, Droissart V, Duncan T, Silva Espejo J, Espinosa S, Farwig N, Fayolle A, Feldpausch TR, Ferraz A, Fletcher C, Gajapersad K, Gillet J-F, do Amaral IL, Gonmadje C, Grogan J, Harris D, Herzog SK, Homeier J, Hubau W, Hubbell SP, Hufkens K, Hurtado J, Kamdem NG, Kearsley E, Kenfack D, Kessler M, Labrière N, Laumonier Y, Laurance S, Laurance WF, Lewis SL, Libalah MB, Ligot G, Lloyd J, Lovejoy TE, Malhi Y, Marimon BS, Marimon Junior BH, Martin EH, Matius P, Meyer V, Mendoza Bautista C, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Mtui A, Neill D, Parada Gutierrez GA, Pardo G, Parren M, Parthasarathy N, Phillips OL, Pitman NCA, Ploton P, Ponette Q, Ramesh BR, Razafimahaimodison J-C, Réjou-Méchain M, Rolim SG, Saltos HR, Rossi LMB, Spironello WR, Rovero F, Saner P, Sasaki D, Schulze M, Silveira M, Singh J, Sist P, Sonke B, Soto JD, de Souza CR, Stropp J, Sullivan MJP, Swanepoel B, ter Steege H, Terborgh J, Texier N, Toma T, Valencia R, Valenzuela L, Ferreira LV, Valverde FC, Van Andel TR, Vasque R, Verbeeck H, Vivek P, Vleminckx J, Vos VA, Wagner FH, Warsudi PP, Wortel V, Zagt RJ & Zebaze D. 2018. Pan-tropical prediction of forest structure from the largest trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi:10.1111/geb.12803. doi:10.1111/geb.12803 Read Article

Disney MI, Boni Vicari M, Burt A, Calders K, Lewis SL, Raumonen P & Wilkes P. 2018. Weighing trees with lasers: advances, challenges and opportunities. Interface Focus 8 (2):20170048. 10.1098/rsfs.2017.0048. Read Article

Labriere N, Tao S, Chave J, Scipal K, Le Toan T, Abernethy K, Alonso A, Barbier N, Bissiengou P, Casal T, Davies SJ, Ferraz A, Herault B, Jaouen G, Jeffery KJ, Kenfack D, Korte L, Lewis SL, Malhi Y, Memiaghe HR, Poulsen JR, Rejou-Mechain M, Villard L, Vincent G, White LJT & Saatchi S. 2018. In Situ Reference Datasets From the TropiSAR and AfriSAR Campaigns in Support of Upcoming Spaceborne Biomass Missions. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11 (10):3617-3627. 10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2851606. Read Article

Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, Hubau W, Qie L, Baker TR, Banin LF, Chave J, Cuni-Sanchez A, Feldpausch TR, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Arets E, Ashton P, Bastin JF, Berry NJ, Bogaert J, Boot R, Brearley FQ, Brienen Roel, Burslem DFRP, de Canniere C, Chudomelová M, Dančák M, Ewango C, Hédl R, Lloyd J, Makana JR, Malhi Y, Marimon BS, Junior BHM, Metali F, Moore S, Nagy L, Nuñez Vargas P, Pendry CA, Ramírez-Angulo H, Reitsma J, Rutishauser E, Salim KA, Sonké B, Sukri RS, Sunderland T, Svátek M, Umunay PM, Vasquez Martinez R, Vernimmen RRE, Vilanova Torre E, Vleminckx J, Vos V & Phillips OL. 2018. Field methods for sampling tree height for tropical forest biomass estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2018. doi:10.1111/2041-210x.12962. Read Article


Cuni-Sanchez A, Pfeifer M, Marchant R, Calders K, Sørensen CL, Pompeu PV, Lewis SL & Burgess ND. 2017. New insights on above ground biomass and forest attributes in tropical montane forests. Forest Ecology and Management 399:235-246. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2017.05.030. Read Article

Dargie GC, Lewis SL, Lawson IT, Mitchard ETA, Page SE, Bocko YE & Ifo SA. 2017. Age, extent and carbon storage of the central Congo Basin peatland complex. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature21048.

Imani G, Boyemba F, Lewis SL, Leon Nabahungu N, Calders K, Zapfack L, Riera B, Balegamire C & Cuni-Sanchez A. 2017. Height-diameter allometry and above ground biomass in tropical montane forests: Insights from the Albertine Rift in Africa. PLOS one. 10.1371/journal.pone.0179653. Read Article

Sullivan MJP, Talbot J, Lewis SL, Phillips OL, Qie L, Begne SK, Chave J, Cuni-Sanchez A, Hubau W, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Miles L, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Sonké B, Sunderland T, ter Steege H, White LJT, Affum-Baffoe K, Aiba S, de Almeida EC, de Oliveira EA, Alvarez-Loayza P, Dávila EA, Andrade A, Aragão LEOC, Ashton Peter, Aymard CGA, Baker TR, Balinga M, Banin LF, Baraloto C, Bastin JF, Berry N, Bogaert J, Bonal D, Bongers F, Brienen R, Camargo JLC, Cerón C, Moscoso VC, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, Pacheco AC, Comiskey JA, Valverde FC, Coronado ENH, Dargie G, Davies SJ, De Canniere C, Djuikouo KMN, Doucet J, Erwin TL, Espejo JS, Ewango CEN, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Herrera R, Gilpin M, Gloor E, Hall JS, Harris DJ, Hart TB, Kartawinata K, Kho LK, Kitayama K, Laurance SGW, Laurance WF, Leal ME, Lovejoy T, Lovett JC, Lukasu FM, Makana J, Malhi Y, Maracahipes L, Marimon BS, Junior BHM, Marshall AR, Morandi PS, Mukendi JT, Mukinzi J, Nilus R, Vargas PN, Camacho NCP, Pardo G, Peña-Claros M, Pétronelli P, Pickavance GC, Poulsen AD, Poulsen JR, Primack RB, Priyadi H, Quesada CA, Reitsma J, Réjou-Méchain M, Restrepo Z, Rutishauser E, Salim KA, Salomão RP, Samsoedin I, Sheil D, Sierra R, Silveira M, Slik JWF, Steel L, Taedoumg H, Tan S, Terborgh JW, Thomas SC, Toledo M, Umunay PM, Gamarra LV, Vieira ICG, Vos VA, Wang O, Willcock S & Zemagho L. 2017. Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. Scientific Reports 7:39102. doi:10.1038/srep39102.

Xu L, Saatchi SS, Shapiro A, Meyer V, Ferraz A, Yan Yang Y, Bastin J-F, Banks N, Boeckx P, Verbeeck H, Lewis SL, Tshibasu Muanza E, Bongwele E, Kayembe F, Mbenza D, Kalau L, Mukendi F, Ilunga F & Ebuta D. 2017. Spatial Distribution of Carbon Stored in Forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Scientific Reports 7:15030. 10.1038/s41598-017-15050-z. Read Article


Avitabile V, Herold M, Heuvelink GBM, Lewis SL, Phillips OL, Asner GP, Armston J, Asthon P, Banin LF, Bayol N, Berry N, Boeckx P, de Jong B, DeVries B, Girardin C, Kearsley E, Lindsell JA, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lucas R, Malhi Y, Morel A, Mitchard E, Nagy L, Qie L, Quinones M, Ryan CM, Slik F, Sunderland T, Vaglio Laurin G, Valentini R, Verbeeck H, Wijaya A & Willcock S. 2016. An integrated pan-tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets. Global Change Biology. doi:10.1111/gcb.13139. Read Article

Cuni-Sanchez A, White LJT, Calders K, Jeffery KJ, Abernethy K, Burt A, Disney M, Gilpin M, Gomez-Dans JL & Lewis SL. 2016. African Savanna-Forest Boundary Dynamics: A 20-Year Study. PLOS ONE 11 (6):e0156934. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156934. Read Article

Liang J, Crowther TW, Picard N, Wiser S, Zhou M, Alberti G, Schulze E-D, McGuire D, Hans Pretzsch BF, de-Miguel S, Paquette A, Hérault B, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Barrett CB, Glick HB & Hengeveld GM. 2016. Positive biodiversity-productivity relationship predominant in global forests. Science 354 (6309). 10.1126/ science.aaf8957. dx.doi. org/10.1126/ science.aaf8957 Read Article

Wheeler CE, Omeja PA, Chapman CA, Glipin M, Tumwesigye C & Lewis SL. 2016. Carbon sequestration and biodiversity following 18 years of active tropical forest restoration. Forest Ecology and Management 373:44-55. 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.04.025. Read Article

Willcock S, Phillips OL, Platts PJ, Swetnam RD, Balmford A, Burgess ND, Ahrends A, Bayliss J, Doggart N, Doody K, Fanning E, Green JMH, Hall J, Howell KL, Lovett JC, Marchant R, Marshall AR, Mbilinyi B, Munishi PKT, Owen N, Topp-Jorgensen EJ & Lewis SL. 2016. Land cover change and carbon emissions over 100 years in an African biodiversity hotspot. Global Change Biology 1-14. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13218. Read Article


Banin LF, Phillips OL & Lewis SL. 2015. Tropical Forests. Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology chapter 5:56-75. Read Article

Dexter KG, Smart B, Baldauf C, Baker TR, Bessike Balinga MP, Brienen RJW, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Ferreira-Da Silva L, Ilunga Muledi J, Lewis SL, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Marimon-Junior BH, Marimon BS, Meerts P, Page N, Parthasarathy N, Phillips OL, Sunderland TCH, Theilade I, Weintritt J, Affum-Baffoe K, Araujo A, Arroyo L, Begne SK, Carvalho-Das Neves E, Collins M, Cuni-Sanchez A, Djuikouo MNK, Elias F, Foli EG, Jeffery KJ, Killeen TJ, Malhi Y, Maracahipes L, Mendoza C, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Morandi P, Oliveira-Dos Santos C, Parada AG, Pardo G, Peh KS-H, Salomão RP, Silveira M, Sinatora-Miranda H, Slik JWF, Sonke B, Taedoumg HE, Toledo M, Umetsu RK, Villaroel RG, Vos VA, White LJT & Pennington RT. 2015. Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions. International Forestry Review 17 (S2). 10.1505/146554815815834859. Read Article

Lewis SL, Edwards DP & Galbraith D. 2015. Increasing human dominance of tropical forests. Science 349 (6250):827-832. 10.1126/science.aaa9932. Read Article

Veenendaal EM, Torello-Raventos M, Feldpausch TR, Domingues TF, Gerard F, Schrodt F, Saiz G, Quesada CA, Djagbletey G, Ford A, Kemp J, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Lenza E, Ratter JA, Maracahipes L, Sasaki D, Sonké B, Zapfack L, Villarroel D, Schwarz M, Yoko Ishida F, Gilpin M, Nardoto GB, Affum-Baffoe K, Arroyo L, Bloomfield K, Ceca G, Compaore H, Davies K, Diallo A, Fyllas NM, Gignoux J, Hien F, Johnson M, Mougin E, Hiernaux P, Killeen T, Metcalfe D, Miranda HS, Steininger M, Sykora K, Bird MI, Grace J, Lewis SL, Phillips OL & Lloyd J. 2015. Structural, physiognomic and above-ground biomass variation in savanna–forest transition zones on three continents – how different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations? Biogeosciences 12 (10):2927-2951. doi:10.5194/bg-12-2927-2015. Read Article


Jacob AL, Wilson SJ & Lewis SL. 2014. Ecosystem services: Forests are more than sticks of carbon. Nature Correspondence 507 (7492):306. doi:10.1038/507306c.

Peh KS-H, Sonké B, Séné O, Djuikouo M-NK, Nguembou CK, Taedoumg H, Begne SK & Lewis SL. 2014. Mixed-forest species establishment in a monodominant forest in Central Africa: implications for tropical forest invasibility. PLoS ONE 9 (5):e97585. 10.1371/journal.pone.0097585. Read Article

Phillips OL & Lewis SL. 2014. Recent changes in tropical forest biomass and dynamics. In Forests and Global Change, British Ecological Society, Cambridge University Press 77-108.

Phillips OL & Lewis SL. 2014. Evaluating the tropical forest carbon sink. Global Change Biology 20:2039-2041. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12423. Read Article

Talbot J, Lewis SL, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Brienen RJW, Monteagudo A, Baker TR, Feldpausch TR, Malhi Y, Vanderwel M, Araujo Murakami A, Arroyo LP, Chao K-J, Erwin T, van der Heijden G, Keeling H, Killeen T, Neill D, Núñez Vargas P, Parada Gutierrez GA, Pitman N, Quesada CA, Silveira M, Stropp J & Phillips OL. 2014. Methods to estimate aboveground wood productivity from long-term forest inventory plots. Forest Ecology and Management 320:30-38.

Willcock S, Phillips OL, Platts P, Balmford A, Burgess N, Lovett J, Ahrends A, Bayliss J, Doggart N, Doody K, Fanning E, Green J, Hall J, Howell K, Marchant R, Marshall A, Mbilinyi B, Munishi P, Owen N, Swetnam R, Topp Jorgensen E & Lewis S. 2014. Quantifying and understanding carbon storage and sequestration within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania, a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Carbon Balance and Management 9 (1):2. 10.1186/1750-0680-9-2. Read Article


Galbraith D, Malhi Y, Affum-Baffoe K, Castanho ADA, Doughty CE, Fisher RA, Lewis SL, Peh KS-H, Phillips OL, Quesada CA, Sonké B & Lloyd J. 2013. Residence times of woody biomass in tropical forests. Plant Ecology & Diversity 6 (1):139-157. DOI:10.1080/17550874.2013.770578. Read Article

Hubau W, Van den Bulcke J, Kitin P, Mees F, Baert G, Verschuren D, Nsenga L, Van Acker J & Beeckman H. 2013. Ancient charcoal as a natural archive for paleofire regime and vegetation change in the Mayumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Quaternary Research 80 (2):326-340. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2013.04.006 . Read Article

Lewis SL, Sonké B, Sunderland T, Begne SK, Lopez-Gonzalez G, van der Heijden GMF, Phillips OL, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Banin L, Bastin JF, Beeckman H, Boeckx P, Bogaert J, De Cannière C, Chezeaux E, Clark CJ, Collins M, Djagbletey G, Djuikouo MNK, Droissart V, Doucet J-L, Ewango CEN, Fauset S, Feldpausch TR, Foli EG, Gillet J-F, Hamilton AC, Harris DJ, Hart TB, de Haulleville T, Hladik A, Hufkens K, Huygens D, Jeanmart P, Jeffery KJ, Kearsley E, Leal ME, Lloyd J, Lovett JC, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Marshall AR, Ojo L, Peh KSH, Pickavance G, Poulsen JR, Reitsma JM, Sheil D, Simo M, Steppe K, Taedoumg HE, Talbot J, Taplin JRD, Taylor D, Thomas SC, Toirambe B, Verbeeck H, Vleminckx J, White LJT, Willcock S, Woell H & Zemagho L. 2013. Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 (1625):20120295. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0295. Read Article

Malhi Y, Adu-Bredu S, Asare RA, Lewis SL & Mayaux P. 2013. African rainforests: past, present and future. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 (1625):20120312. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0312 . Read Article

Malhi Y, Adu-Bredu S, Asare RA, Lewis SL & Mayaux P. 2013. The past, present and future of Africa's rainforests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 (1625):20120293. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0293. Read Article

Pfeifer M, Platts PJ, Burgess ND, Swetnam RD, Willcock S, Lewis SL & Marchant R. 2013. Land use change and carbon fluxes in East Africa quantified using earth observation data and field measurements. Environmental Conservation 40:241-252. doi:10.1017/s0376892912000379 . Read Article

Torello-Raventos M, Feldpausch TR, Veenendaal E, Schrodt F, Saiz G, Domingues TF, Djagbletey G, Ford A, Kemp J, Marimon BS, Hur Marimon Junior B, Lenza E, Ratter JA, Maracahipes L, Sasaki D, Sonké B, Zapfack L, Taedoumg H, Villarroel D, Schwarz M, Quesada CA, Yoko Ishida F, Nardoto GB, Affum-Baffoe K, Arroyo L, MJSBowman DMJS, Compaore H, Davies K, Diallo A, Fyllas NM, Gilpin M, Hien F, Johnson M, Killeen TJ, Metcalfe D, Miranda HS, Steininger M, Thomson J, Sykora K, Mougin E, Hiernaux P, Bird MI, Grace J, Lewis SL, Phillips OL & Lloyd J. 2013. On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions. Plant Ecology & Diversity 69 (1):101-137. doi:10.1080/17550874.2012.762812.


Banin L, Feldpausch TR, Phillips O, Baker TR, Lloyd J, Affum-Baffoe K, Arets EJMM, Berry NJ, Bradford M, Brienen RJW, Davies S, Drescher M, Higuchi N, Hilbert DW, Hladik A, Iida Y, Salim KA, Kassim AR, King DA, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Metcalfe D, Nilus R, Peh KS-H, Reitsma JM, Sonké B, Taedoumg H, Tan S, White L, Wöll H & Lewis SL. 2012. What controls tropical forest architecture? Testing environmental, structural and floristic drivers. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (12):1179-1190. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2012.00778.x. Read Article

Burgess ND, Munishi P, Mwakalila S, Willcock S, Shirima D, Hamidu S, Bulenga G & Marchant R. 2012. Enhancing Tanzanian capacity to deliver short and long term data on forest carbon stocks across the country. The Arc Journal 27:22-26. Read Article

Fauset S, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Affum-Baffoe K, Foli EG, Hamer KC & Swaine MD. 2012. Drought-induced shifts in the floristic and functional composition of tropical forests in Ghana. Ecology Letters 15 (10):1120-1129. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01834.x. Read Article

Feldpausch TR, Lloyd J, Lewis SL, Brienen RJW, Gloor M, Monteagudo Mendoza A, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Banin L, Abu Salim K, Affum-Baffoe K, Alexiades M, Almeida S, Amaral I, Andrade A, Aragão LEOC, Araujo Murakami A, Arets EJMN, Arroyo L, Aymard CGA, Baker TR, Bánki OS, Berry NJ, Cardozo N, Chave J, Comiskey JA, Alvarez E, de Oliveira A, Di Fiore A, Djagbletey G, Domingues TF, Erwin TL, Fearnside PM, França MB, Freitas MA, Higuchi N, Honorio CE, Iida Y, Jiménez E, Kassim AR, Killeen TJ, Laurance WF, Lovett JC, Malhi Y, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Lenza E, Marshall AR, Mendoza C, Metcalfe DJ, Mitchard ETA, Neill DA, Nelson BW, Nilus R, Nogueira EM, Parada A, Peh KSH, Pena Cruz A, Peñuela MC, Pitman NCA, Prieto A, Quesada CA, Ramírez F, Ramírez-Angulo H, Reitsma JM, Rudas A, Saiz G, Salomão RP, Schwarz M, Silva N, Silva-Espejo JE, Silveira M, Sonké B, Stropp J, Taedoumg HE, Tan S, ter Steege H, Terborgh J, Torello-Raventos M, van der Heijden GMF, Vásquez R, Vilanova E, Vos VA, White L, Willcock S, Woell H & Phillips OL. 2012. Tree height integrated into pantropical forest biomass estimates. Biogeosciences 9 (8):3381-3403. doi:10.5194/bg-9-3381-2012. Read Article

Marshall AR, Willcock S, Platts PJ, Lovett JC, Balmford A, Burgess ND, Latham JE, Munishi PKT, Salter R, Shirima DD & Lewis SL. 2012. Measuring and modelling above-ground carbon and tree allometry along a tropical elevation gradient. Biological Conservation 154:20-33. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2012.03.017. Read Article

Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, White LJT, Abernethy KA, Jeffery KJ, Lewis SL, Collins M, Lefsky MA, Leal ME, Woodhouse IH & Meir P. 2012. Mapping tropical forest biomass with radar and spaceborne LiDAR in Lopé National Park, Gabon: overcoming problems of high biomass and persistent cloud. Biogeosciences 9 (1):179-191. doi:10.5194/bg-9-179-2012. Read Article

Peh K, Sonké B, Taedoung H, Séné O, Lloyd J & Lewis SL. 2012. Investigating diversity dependence of tropical forest litter decomposition: experiments and observations from Central Africa. Journal of Vegetation Science 23 (2):223-235. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01352.x . Read Article

Willcock S, Phillips OL, Platts PJ, Balmford A, Burgess ND, Lovett JC, Ahrends A, Bayliss J, Doggart N, Doody K, Fanning E, Green J, Hall J, Howell KL, Marchant Rob, Marshall AR, Mbilinyi B, Munishi PKT, Owen N, Swetnam RD, Topp-Jorgensen EJ & Lewis SL. 2012. Towards Regional, Error-Bounded Landscape Carbon Storage Estimates for Data-Deficient Areas of the World. PLoS ONE 7 (9):e44795. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044795. Read Article


Feldpausch TR, Banin L, Phillips OL, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Quesada CA, Affum-Baffoe K, Arets EJMM, Berry NJ, Bird M, Brondizio ES, de Camargo P, Chave J, Djagbletey G, Domingues TF, Drescher M, Fearnside PM, França MB, Fyllas NM, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Hladik A, Higuchi N, Hunter MO, Iida Y, Salim KA, Kassim AR, Keller M, Kemp J, King DA, Lovett JC, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Lenza E, Marshall AR, Metcalfe DJ, Mitchard ETA, Moran EF, Nelson BW, Nilus R, Nogueira EM, Palace M, Patiño S, Peh KS-H, Raventos MT, Reitsma JM, Saiz G, Schrodt F, Sonké B, Taedoumg HE, Tan S, White L, Wöll H & Lloyd J. 2011. Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees. Biogeosciences 8 (5):1081-1106. doi:10.5194/bg-8-1081-2011. Read Article

Fisher B, Lewis SL, Burgess ND, Malimbwi RE, Munishi PK, Swetnam RD, Turner KR, Willcock S & Balmford A. 2011. Implementation and opportunity costs of reducing deforestation and forest degradation in Tanzania. Nature Climate Change 1 (3):161-164. doi:10.1038/nclimate1119. Read Article

Fisher B, Turner KR, Burgess ND, Swetnam RD, Green J, Green RE, Kajembe G, Kulindwa K, Lewis SL, Marchant R, Marshall AR, Madoffe S, Munishi PKT, Morse-Jones S, Mwakalila S, Paavola J, Naidoo R, Ricketts T, Rouget M, Willcock S, White S & Balmford A. 2011. Measuring, modeling and mapping ecosystem services in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Progress in Physical Geography 35 (5):595-611. doi:10.1177/0309133311422968 . Read Article

Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lewis SL, Burkitt M & Phillips O. 2011. a web application and research tool to manage and analyse tropical forest plot data. Journal of Vegetation Science 22 (4):610-613. doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2011.01312.x . Read Article

Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Gerard FF, Woodhouse IH & Meir P. 2011. Comment on 'A first map of tropical Africa's above-ground biomass derived from satellite imagery'. Environmental Research Letters 6 (4):049001. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/049001. Read Article

Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR, Woodhouse IH, Sonké B, Rowland C & Meir P. 2011. Measuring biomass changes due to woody encroachment and deforestation/degradation in a forest–savanna boundary region of central Africa using multi-temporal L-band radar backscatter. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (11):2861-2873. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.02.022. Read Article

Pan Y, Richard A, Birdsey RA, Fang J, Houghton R, Pekka E, Kauppi PE, Werner A, Kurz WA, Phillips O, Shvidenko A, Lewis SL, Canadell JG, Ciais P, Jackson RB, Pacala SW, McGuire DA, Piao S, Rautiainen A, Sitch S & Hayes D. 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science 333 (6045):988-993. doi:10.1126/science.1201609 . Read Article

Parmentier I, Harrigan RJ, Buermann W, Mitchard ETA, Saatchi S, Malhi Y, Bongers F, Hawthorne WD, Leal ME, Lewis SL, Nusbaumer L, Sheil D, Sosef MSM, Affum-Baffoe K, Bakayoko A, Chuyong GB, Chatelain C, Comiskey JA, Dauby G, Doucet JL, Fauset S, Gautier L, Gillet JF, Kenfack D, Kouamé FN, Kouassi EK, Kouka LA, Parren MPE, Peh KS-H, Reitsma JM, Senterre B, Sonké B, Sunderland TCH, Swaine MD, Tchouto MGP, Thomas D, Van Valkenburg JLCH & Hardy OJ. 2011. Predicting alpha diversity of African rain forests: models based on climate and satellite-derived data do not. Journal of Biogeography 38 (6):1164-1176. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2010.02467.x . Read Article

Peh KS_H, Sonké B, Lloyd J, Quesada CA & Lewis SL. 2011. Soil Does Not Explain Monodominance in a Central African Tropical Forest. PLoS ONE 6 (2):e16996. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016996. Read Article

Saatchi SS, Harris NL, Brown S, Lefsky M, Mitchard ETA, Salas W, Zutta BR, Buermann W, Lewis SL, Hagen S, Petrova S, White L, Silman M & Morel A. 2011. Benchmark map of forest carbon stocks in tropical regions across three continents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (24):9899-9904. doi:10.1073/pnas.1019576108 . Read Article

Shirima DD, Munishi PKT, Lewis SL, Burgess ND, Marshall AR, Balmford A, Swetnam RD & Zahabu EM. 2011. Carbon storage, structure and composition of miombo woodlands in Tanzania’s Eastern Arc Mountains. African Journal of Ecology 49 (3):332-342. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2011.01269.x. Read Article

Swetnam RD, Fisher B, Mbilinyi BP, Munishi PKT, Willcock S, Ricketts T, Mwakalila S, Balmford A, Burgess ND, Marshall AR & Lewis SL. 2011. Mapping socio-economic scenarios of land cover change: A GIS method to enable ecosystem service modelling. Journal of Environmental Management 92 (3):563-574. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.09.007 . Read Article


Ahrends A, Burgess ND, Milledge SAH, Bulling MT, Fisher B, Smart JCR, Clarke GP, Mhoro BE & Lewis SL. 2010. Predictable waves of sequential forest degradation and biodiversity loss spreading from an African city. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (33):14556-14561. doi:10.1073/pnas.0914471107 . Read Article

Burgess ND, Bahane B, Clairs T, Danielsen F, Dalsgaard S, Funder M, Hagelberg N, Harrison P, Haule C, Kabalimu K, Kilahama F, Kilawe E, Lewis SL, Lovett JC, Lyatuu G, Marshall AR, Meshack C, Miles L, Milledge SAH, Munishi PKT, Nashanda E, Shirima D, Swetnam RD, Willcock S, Williams A & Zahabu E. 2010. Getting ready for REDD+ in Tanzania: a case study of progress and challenges. Oryx 44 (03):339-351. doi:10.1017/s0030605310000554. Read Article

Djuikouo MNK, Doucet J-L, Nguembou CK, Lewis SL & Sonké B. 2010. Diversity and aboveground biomass in three tropical forest types in the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon. African Journal of Ecology 48 (4):1053-1063. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2010.01212.x. Read Article

Doherty RM, Sitch S, Smith B, Lewis SL & Thornton PK. 2010. Implications of future climate and atmospheric CO2 content for regional biogeochemistry, biogeography and ecosystem services across East Africa. Global Change Biology 16 (2):617-640. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01997.x . Read Article


Lewis SL, Lloyd J, Sitch S, Mitchard ETA & Laurance WF. 2009. Changing Ecology of Tropical Forests: Evidence and Drivers. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 40 (12):529-549. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.39.110707.173345. Read Article

Lewis SL, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Sonké B, Affum-Baffoe K, Baker TR, Ojo LO, Phillips OL, Reitsma JM, White L, Comiskey JA, Djuikouo MNK, Ewango CNE, Feldpausch TR, Hamilton AC, Gloor M, Hart T, Hladik A, Lloyd J, Lovett JC, Makana J-R, Malhi Y, Mbago FM, Ndangalasi HJ, Peacock J, Peh KS-H, Sheil D, Sunderland T, Swaine MD, Taplin J, Taylor D, Thomas SC, Votere R & Wöll H. 2009. Increasing carbon storage in intact African tropical forests. Nature 457:1003-7. doi:10.1038/nature07771. Read Article

Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Gerard FF, Lewis SL & Meir P. 2009. Measuring Woody Encroachment along a Forest–Savanna Boundary in Central Africa. Earth Interactions 13 (8):1-29. doi:10.1175/2009ei278.1. Read Article

Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, Woodhouse IH, Nangendo G, Ribeiro NS, Williams M, Ryan CM, Lewis SL, Feldpausch TR & Meir P. 2009. Using satellite radar backscatter to predict above-ground woody biomass: A consistent relationship across four different African landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters 36 (23):L23401. doi:10.1029/2009gl040692. Read Article


Taylor D, Hamilton AC, Lewis SL & Nantale G. 2008. Thirty-eight years of change in a tropical forest: plot data from Mpanga Forest Reserve, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology 46 (4):655-667. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2028.2008.00955.x. Read Article


Parmetier I, Malhi Y, Senterre B, Whittaker RJ, Alonso A, Balinga MPB, Bakayoko A, Bongers F, Chatelain C, Comiskey JA, Cortay R, Djuikuo M-NK, Doucet J-L, Gautier L, Hawthorne WD, Issembe YA, Kouamé FN, Kouka LA, Leal ME, Lejoly JL, Lewis SL, Nusbaumer L, Parren MPE, Peh KS-H, Phillips OL, Sheil D, Sonké B, Sosef MSM, Sunderland TCH, Stropp J, Ter Steege H, Swaine MD, Tchouto MGP, van Gemerden BS, Van Vakkenburg JLC & Woll H. 2007. The odd man out? Might climate explain the lower tree α-diversity of African rain forests relative to Amazonian rain forests? Journal of Ecology 95 (5):1058-1071. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2007.01273.x. Read Article


Lewis SL. 2006. Tropical forests and the changing earth system. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 361 (1465):195-210. doi:10.1098/rstb.2005.1711 . Read Article


Lewis SL, Malhi Y & Phillips OL. 2004. Fingerprinting the impacts of global change on tropical forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 359 (1443):437-462. doi:10.1098/rstb.2003.1432. Read Article


Phillips OL, Mahli Y, Vinceti B, Baker TR, Lewis SL, Higuchi N, Laurance WF, Nunez Vargas P, Vasquez Martinez R, Laurance SG, Ferreira LV, Stern M, Brown S & Grace J. 2002. Changes in growth of tropical forests: evaluating potential biases. Ecological Applications 12:576-587. Read Article