African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network

Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene Jungle Scene

You are free to use these data for any purpose provided you cite the original paper:


Dargie GC, Lewis SL, Lawson IT, Mitchard ETA, Page SE, Bocko YE & Ifo, SA. 2017. 

Age, extent and carbon storage of the central Congo Basin peatland complex. 

Nature, doi:10.1038/nature21048


Combined classification and probability map - 50 m resolution - Geotif - 124 MB



Simplified Peat Area image maps (not GIS files) - Two vegetation types with peat combined - With country boundaries - Various zoom levels - PNG - 3 MB



Simplified Peat Area Maps (GIS files) - two vegetation types with peat combined - 50 m - Geotif - 8 MB



Simplified Peat Area Maps (GIS files) - vegetation types with peat combined - 100 m - Geotif - 3 MB



Probability layers of the 5 landcover types (GIS files) as published - 50 m - Geotif



The files were created by Greta Dargie and Edward Mitchard

For questions about these data layers please contact Edward Mitchard 
