Metadata for file Dargie_Congo_Peat_LikeliestClassAndProbability.tif This is the file used to create Figure 1c in the paper: Dargie GC, Lewis SL, Lawson IT, Mitchard ETA, Page SE, Bocko YE & Ifo, SA. 2017. Age, extent and carbon storage of the central Congo Basin peatland complex. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature21048 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a single layer file containing two piece of information: 1. the most likely class, as determined by the class predicted most often in a run of 1000 maximum likelihood classifications using a random subset of the training data, coded in the thousands: 0 - no data 1xxx - Water 2xxx - Savanna 3xxx - Terra firme forest 4xxx - Palm-dominated swamp 5xxx - Hardwood swamp 2. a value from 0-100 giving the percentage of the time that class was given as the most likely class for that pixel, coded in the hundreds. For example: 1085: a pixel classified as water most often, in 85% of runs 3100: a pixel classified as Terra Firme Forest in 100% of runs 4068: a pixel classified as palm-dominated swamp 68 % of the time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Projection and file details: The file is a geotif in a lat/long WGS-84 and a pixel size of 0.00044444444444 degrees (c. 50 m). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are free to use these data for any purpose provided you cite the original paper. The file was created by Greta Dargie and Edward Mitchard For questions about these data layers please contact Edward Mitchard at