African Tropical Rainforest Observation Network

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AfriTRON dataset release with DOI

  • January, 2015, the secure online database used to manage most of AfriTRON's long-term data, is now able to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to datasets. DOIs provide a system for tracking where the data comes from, citing it in publications and providing the data collectors with acknowledgement for their work. 

Therefore, the dataset used for the 2013 AfriTRON publication 'Above-ground biomass and structure of 260 African tropical forests', is now available as a data package with citeable DOI at has been used as a case study for DataCite and the British Library; it's currently the only research lead repository to assign DOIs. Find out more about DOIs and the case study here, and Dr Gabriela Lopez Gonzalez's interview with the British Library below.